Sunday, October 9, 2011

Tuscany Italy 2011: Our Road Scholar Fellow Travellers

In September 2011, Sandi and I joined 18 other Canadians and Americans on a two week excursion through Tuscany. We had a marvelous time, and this photo post is dedicated to our new friends who helped make the trip so enjoyable. We also thank Jane Bacon and all the people from Road Scholar who organized and led the trip so well. You will see the fun and excitement on the faces in the photos below.
Road Scholars at the Hotel Corona d"Italia in Florence. (Two extras behind the back row wished they could join us.)
Umberto instructing on the Anarchist movement among the quarry workers
Jeff and Bill discussing engineering issues at the Carrara Marble Quarry
Intrigued by on-site group instruction
Good Lunch in Vicchiomaggio Winery
Chianti with every meal
Convivial lunch

Sandi in Carrara
Horse watches while Jeff makes notes
Happy Birthday Sonny!

Unknown group member
Jane and Kathleen at Machiavelli House
Bill courting Brenda
Lots of good food every day!
Results of too much food

Unknown romantic couple in Lucca

In Pisa: warm weather, tired group
Bob and Dianne
At the end of a hard day of touring

Al and Kathleen
Look at Jane's eyes!
Is Bob napping?

Sheridan and Wendy
Julie and Jeff

Umberto and Friends in Florence

Boccherini enjoying his own music in Lucca

Bob and Dianne listen to "Whispers"
One night the whole group went crazy!

Florence police looking like characters from The Pirates of Penzance

Sandi, Barbara, Dianne
Final Dinner: north table
Final dinner: west table

Toasts at Final Dinner
Return home confidently


At October 9, 2011 at 6:04 PM , Blogger Steph @ Birdhouse said...

Great photos, Paul! Looks like everyone was having a wonderful time.

At October 10, 2011 at 2:21 PM , Anonymous Paul said...

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At October 10, 2011 at 11:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your camera skills are so keen! Thanks for sharing these great shots with us. Will you be posting more of them?


At March 7, 2013 at 8:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great photos. When can we see Tuscon?


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