Sunday, January 2, 2011

Four Seasons in Our Lakeshore Neighbourhood

Our cottage is located on top of the bank overlooking Lake Huron. The beach and the lake are beautiful. The rest of our neighbourhood is also beautiful - in all four seasons. These photos attempt to capture the magnificent annual journey of the natural and rural neighbourhood around us as it makes its jaunt through the seasons.

The beach vegetation survives extremes of heat, cold, and wind. The shape of the beach, the streams, and the dunes change constantly, affected by waves and wind. The lake reflects the colours of the sky, the clouds, and the always migrating sun.

The colours of the sun and the lake change with the seasons. We think the Lake Huron sunsets are among the most impressive in the world.


The laneway into our little community feels inviting in the summer. In the winter, the lane is still inviting, but the atmosphere feels more remote. In the photo below, the turkey vultures, usually seen circling overhead in summer, have landed in the lane!


Bill's orchard thrives through all the seasonal changes.

Tens of thousands of Monarch Butterflies migrate through our property!

We share the property with many animals, birds, and insects!

White Squirrel

The bean and corn fields around us reflect the colours of Fall.

Indomitable Sunflower Among the Beans

Many scenes are magnificent!

September Beanfield
Driftwood on the Beach
Dewey Spiderweb
The Beach in winter

Sumac Hangs On, Despite the Frost!


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