Friday, May 6, 2011

Late Spring Buds at Our Place

The early spring of 2011 was difficult - cold, snowy, wet, and long. However, by May 4th, spring buds had broken from their winter retreat promising better times. The annual regeneration is always remarkable, not to mention inspiring. I took these photos on May 4 and 5 in attempt to capture the intensity of the spring breakout as well as the tremendous variety of buds in our immediate neighbourhood. I took all of these photos within 100 feet of our front door, thinking it would be fun to compare all the different buds and early flowers.
Apricot Blossoms - Unless the bees show up to pollinate, they will not produce fruit! -

Apricot Blossoms up close

Stella Cherry Buds in Bill's Orchard

Maple Tree in our Yard

A Close-Up of Maple Tree

Korean Lilac Near Our Deck

Sour Cherry in Bill's Orchard

Japanese Maple - cultivated in Japan over many centuries




Periwinkle (Myrtle)


Pansy - First introduced by Lady Monck in 1821

Tulip - One of 109 Species

Euphorbia - There are 2008 species!

Pachysandra - from the Boxwood Family

Budding Shadow on the Wall

Name to be Determined
Robin on the Wire